
Besides regular participation in the conference by submitting a paper to the main track or to one of the workshops, SafeComp 2025 offers sponsorship options for companies and organisations interested in increasing their visibility and networking opportunities.

A dedicated exhibition space will be available at the conference venue in which sponsors will be able to set up a booth. Coffee breaks will take place in this exhibition space.

The following sponsorship options are provided, but other customised sponsorship possibilities can also be evaluated. To apply for a sponsorship option, propose a customised sponsorship or inquire about sponsorship packages, please send an email to safecomp2025@meetx.se.

Gold Sponsorship – Cost: 3000€ including

  • Company name and logo on the event web page and on the conference program booklet; marketing material in the participant bag
  • Exhibition of company booth at the conference venue
  • Access to the list of participants (who authorised their inclusion in this list)
  • 1 conference registration (regular fee, conference only)
  • 5 min. stage time at conference dinner

Silver sponsorship – Costs 1500€ including

  • Company name and logo on the event web page and on the conference program booklet; marketing material in the participant bag
  • Exhibition of company booth at the conference venue
  • Access to the list of participants (who authorised their inclusion in this list)

Bronze Sponsorship – Cost: 500€ including

  • Company name and logo on the event web page and on the conference program booklet; marketing material in the participant bag
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